A downloadable tool

This makes creating and reading files shorter and easier

download python:



Filemod.py 595 bytes

Install instructions

to run make sure you have the module file in the same location as the file to are importing into.

at the top of your program type:

import Filemod

also as an example you can type

Filemod.fileC("test" , ".txt")

this creates a file

the attribute include:

fileC - creates a file:

Filemod.fileC("example" , ".txt")

fileR - reads a file

Filemod.fileR("example" , ".txt")

fileOW - writes to an existing file

Filemod.fileOW("example" , ".txt" , "This is a test")

fileCWr - creates a file and then writes to it

Filemod.fileCWr("example" , ".txt" , "This is also a test")

the first string is the name of the file

the second string is the file extension (has to have a dot before it)

last string (not on every one) is the file contents

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